Morning Star Learning Center
School Age
Ages 5 to 13 years
We offer a comprehensive school-age program designed for the working parent. During the school months, children may enroll in our morning and after school care, our “no school” days, and our holiday programs. Students participate in field trips and create amazing art and craft projects. Teachers plan an active curriculum to keep the older child happy and busy.
Summer Camp
Morning Star Learning Center provides a high-quality, safe, and educational summer day camp experience for school-age campers. Summer camp activities are based around a thematic unit. Themes explored in past summers include: Space Travel, Summer Olympics, Our Amazing World, and Getting to Know Colorado. Field trips to museums, swimming pools, nature trails, and historical sites are included in each summer's planning. Craft projects, drama, dance, and music enhance Morning Star's camping experience. Each June, Morning Star campers attend a week-long soccer, basketball, and cheer leading practice camp sponsored by the 1st Presbyterian Church. Morning Star teachers are experienced and educated professionals possessing a love and commitment to children. Summer camp enrollment begins in March.