Morning Star Learning Center
Daily Rate $35
Morning Rate (7:30 to 12:30): $25
Afternoon Rate (1 to 6): $25
School Age Programs
Before School (6 AM to bus): $10
After School (3:30 PM to 6 PM): $15
Drop-in Care
Daily Rate: $50
Hourly: $10
Morning Rate (7:30 to 12:30): $30
Afternoon Rate (1 to 6): $30

Morning Star Child Care
Daily Rate: $37
Morning (7:30 AM to 12:30 PM): $25
Afternoon (1 PM to 6 PM): $25
Drop-in Care
Daily Rate: $50
Hourly: $10
Morning Rate (7:30 to 12:30): $30
Afternoon Rate (1 to 6): $30
Tuition & Enrollment details
Monthly tuition includes 2 free weeks a year
Semi-monthly tuition includes 1 free week a year
7% sibling discount applied to oldest child
$60 registration fee applied to all enrolling children
Tuition expected regardless of absent days